
Thursday, December 2, 2010

NASCHY BLOGATHON LINKS for Thursday, December 2, Part 3!

Things are hotting up as we head into the home stretch here at the Naschyfest! Just one more day left in the week-long celebration of the Mighty Mighty Molina, and the great tributes, reviews, and miscellaneous Naschyness just keep on coming! An onslaught of awesome!

"No, Duke--THIS is how you wear a cravat!"
  • Your ever-lovin' Vicar offers another poetical tribute to Naschy, this one inspired by Alaric de Marnac: "The Headless Portrait"!

Wow, what a great collection of links! The Naschy Blogathon excellence shows no signs of slowing...can't wait to see what folks have in store for the last day! See you in the morning, folks!

And if I've overlooked you somehow, PLEASE EMAIL ME to let me know! ( The time is short!

The Vicar


  1. SO glad you liked the cartoon :) Baron XIII and I were evenly divided over whether you'd find it funny or just plain stupid. Glad I managed to tread the middle ground there...! And thanks for the out-shouting: tis always appreciated.

  2. Oh no, Kate, it was fantastic. The lounge music playing in the background just adds so much. Loved the argument at the end.

    I bow in your general direction.
