
Friday, December 3, 2010

NASCHY BLOGATHON LINKS for Friday, December 3, Part 2!

Can it be that the Naschyfest is almost over? Say it ain't so! While I'll relish the opportunity to rest and catch up on the commenting and re-reading of a lot of the posts from this week, it'll be strange to be without the almost hourly deliveries of Naschy Glee I've enjoyed this week. But if this blogathon has taught me anything, it's that the Joy of Naschy is extremely widespread, and a little spark of it lives within us all.

The Vicar, in his dreams
If you live in different time zones and still plan on squeezing your blogathon entry in before the Great Black Clock chimes twelve, fear not--I'll be compiling a final, festival-ending link list tomorrow morning--or more likely early afternoon.  (Psst--if you don't post your Naschy entry till late Saturday, or even Sunday, I probably would still acknowledge it as part of the 'thon--maybe as part of the "Appendices." ;) ) But for those of you who need your measure of Molina before bedtime, here are the links since our last update this morning!

  • Creeping Bride of the SHOCK! Theater blog admits her connection of the famous "Shock!" syndicated movie package of  the 50s and 60s to Naschy's legacy is tenuous, but to use her words, "I just had to participate somehow!" Check out her review of Lon Chaney Jr.'s portrayal of The Wolf Man, with extra added Naschy goodness!
  • Video Junkie closes out its spectacular series of "El Hombre Mofo" articles, with "Tom & Will's Top 3 Naschy Picks"!  William S. Wilson and Thomas T. Simmons each offer their top choices of flicks that will initiate Naschy newbies into the realm of the PecSlaves.
  • Samuel Wilson offers his usual dose of scholarly critical excellence in his consideration of The Devil's Possessed, at one of the web's must-follow movie blogs, Mondo 70!
  • Vila Wolf trumps my Naschy poetry with her own Naschy-inspired short story, in which "Daninsky himself explains to us how he became a werewolf." Which time? Never mind, just read Vila's story, "The Letter," at her LiveJournal, Remember; I Hate You All!
And that's all I've got! Unless there are a few more entries straggling in over the next several hours (or longer, see above), that's the Blogathon! I can't believe I ate the whole thing!

In all seriousness, thanks to EVERYONE who participated and read and commented during this wonderful week of Naschy love. It's been bigger and better than I could ever have imagined, and I'm extremely proud of what we've all done here. Now I know what I had always hoped to be true--that Naschy's legacy will not fade from the earth, for he lives forever in the hearts of his fans. You guys rule!

Time to mosey on. Adios, Jacinto.
(image credit: Arbogast on Film)

So keep watching for the absolute final link-list tomorrow cleaning up any late-posted entries, and then the next day or so after that for any "appendices." I'll also be chiming in with some blogathon stats and a longer concluding piece on what I've taken from the experience. 

For the last time, if I've failed to post your link or overlooked your contribution, EMAIL ME NOW and let me know! (Incidentally, you can use that same email for fan mail, gift offers, indecent proposals, and thoughts too unspeakable to be given utterance.)

See you tomorrow! Now to sleep!

Love and Naschyness,
The Vicar


  1. I'm late with this (sorry about that, but I had some other commitments today), but here's my last blogathon entry.

  2. YOU rule, Vicar, and while I haven't had time to read all of the posts from everyone, I can still say, matter-of-factly, that you brought a lot of Naschy lovers together for an awesome event here. Bravo, sir.
