
Monday, November 1, 2010

Naschy Blogathon: November 29-December 3

Hello parishioners and subjects! I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween, and are even now recovering from overindulgences in candy, booze, and whatever other vices you use to fend off the killing drudgery of day-to-day life. And here's an FYI: should any Law Enforcement officers, local or Federal, ask if you have any information about a silver-masked luchadore performing frog splashes off the hoods of cars on unsuspecting Trick or Treaters, I was with you--got me? :)

Now that the busiest of busy months in the Vicarage and Duchy is receding in the rearview, hopefully regular posting will resume. But more importantly than that, here's some news you can use: the Duke and I are sponsoring our first ever blogathon, in honor of the late great Spanish horror icon and patron saint of our blog, Paul Naschy! We're currently looking for bloggers, poets, artists, songwriters, interpretive dancers, and other creative types who'd like to participate. A few people have already expressed interest, and we're hoping for many, many more.

Think you might have the right stuff? Peep the details below, rinse out your eyeballs, and get those typing fingers ready!

  • The Naschy Blogathon will take place November 29 to December 3, 2010.
  • Interested parties PLEASE contact us at or via Facebook at to express your interest!
  • The way it works: sometime during the aforementioned time period, post something Naschy-related on your blog and let us know about it. I will publish a list of links daily to direct blogathon readers to your sites. Posts can be reviews of movies, personal essays, poetry, songs, original art, lists, photo essays, or just about anything else so long as it's got a Naschy tie-in. Be creative!
  • The Duke and I will also be celebrating Naschy during that week, with new reviews and content for casual readers and hardcore Naschy-files alike.
  • Don't have a blog but still want to participate? That's great! Just send us whatever you want posted (using the above email) and we'll put it right here on MMMMMovies, crediting you as guest author!
You've got about 4 weeks to prepare, so get cracking, people! And stay tuned for more Movie Madness!

The Vicar

Participating in the blogathon? Just want to help spread the word? Get your PAUL NASCHY BLOGATHON banners and badges by clicking here! And thanks to Pierre Fournier of Frankensteinia for the killer designs!


  1. Fantastic guys! This is going to be awesome! I'll be sure to contact you to participate. - Brian

  2. I think I will be reviewing something soon that you guys can use on your blogathon!

  3. Great news, TFC! I'll keep you posted on details as the date draws near. Keep watching the blog! ;)

  4. Interesante iniciativa

  5. I was already planning on watching one of Naschy's films on the anniversary of this passing, so I'll definitely let you know what I have posted about it on my blog.

  6. I sent you an email but didn't hear back from you. Just wanted to let you know the Video Junkie crew will be participating.

  7. I should have "The Werewolf vs the Vampire Woman" tomorrow, that will round out a full week of posting.

  8. William--I searched through all my inboxes and couldn't find your email...I blame the EtherGoblins! At any rate, I apologize for missing your email, and I'm excited and thrilled to have Video Junkies aboard! Resend that email to or, and we'll see if it gets through this time!

    Craig J., TFC, and Darius, thanks for letting me know! Be sure and get me those links when the posts go up.

    I'm really overwhelmed by the response. Can't wait to get this celebration rolling!

  9. I hope I'm not too late... because I'm in, baby. I'll post my Paul Naschy entry on Monday.

  10. Not too late, Yum-Yum, just in a nick of time, actually! Can't wait for the Naschyfest to begin, and thanks for being a part of it!

  11. We're all set with our posts at Cheese Magnet. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.

  12. All systems go: working on a review of Exorcism for Mondo Euro, a couple new reviews for TODF, and possibly a Naschy tribute episode of my Discomancer story. The timing couldn't be better...

  13. Here's my contribution. Seeing how many people have done HRFTT now though I wish I had another one to review.

  14. No worries, Worsel. Horror Rises can't have enough said about it, that's for sure! I mean, where is horror going to rise from? The supermarket?! Possibly, now that I think about my local merchant's offerings...
