
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Comic Con Aftermath--with pics!

Hello again, parishioners! I have finally got my land legs again after my trip to the Metropolis, and will soon be flooding your ocular organs with more movie madness of the sort to which you've become accustomed. In the meantime, I thought I'd share some snaps from my momentous trip to NY Comic Con 2010, to tide you over while you wait.

I didn't meet any celebrities or get any autographs, through apparently I just missed the chance to bump into Lou Ferrigno at one point, and later may have seen Stan Lee from a distance--or rather, the crowd of comic fan faithful mobbing him like the Pope. But it was a good time, as the evidence will show. Much has been written in the blogosphere already about the festivities, so I think I'll just let the photos tell the rest of the story.

Let Your Little Lights Shine

Squatchsploitation + Breath Play = This

The Vicar plans to try out for the Green Hornet DTV sequels.

Toys that Will Be Mine

Some wonderful Karloff/Chaney Sr. figures by Amok Time

Why the Vicar always travels with extra Turtle Wax

She-Creature, flanked by Martians. Also by Amok Time.

A Na'vi with a lightsaber. It was that kind of party.

While in New York (or New Jersey, more properly) I was the guest of the inimitable Empress of the Tenebrous Empire, Tenebrous Kate, and her accomodating and amiable consort the Baron XIII. It's not many people would open their castle gates to a drunken clergyman trailing clouds of beer fumes and Naschy Musk™, but the Tenebrous Rulers are not your average comic fans. I also got to meet several other blogo- and twitter-sphere friends for the first time, including the wonderful and engaging Costuminatrix, twitter-pals Joan and Mister Arkham (who have impeccable karaoke song-selecton tastes, let the record show), the delightful and energetically opinionated Emily I. of Deadly Doll's House of Horror Nonsense, and food blogger tofugirl, whose cupcakes are irreproachable and whose blog address I shamefully neglected to obtain! Mea maxima culpa! Someone get me that address! (ETA: You can visit tofugirl's delicious blog at Open Mouth Insert Cookie! Thanks to Tenebrous Kate for the address!)

At any rate, it was an extremely fun and memorable experience, and one I hope to repeat in upcoming years. But now, back to the grindstone! Keep your eyes fixed on the center of your screen for more movie madness to come, and more info on the MMMMMovies Naschy Blogathon, coming your way in November!

Bunnies (and turtles),
The Vicar


  1. It was supergreat getting to hang out with you in-person-style! I'm glad you had a good time, and that we were able to show you some funstuff while you were in town.

    BTW, Carol's blog is here:

    She's a mad magician of bento boxes and baked goods :)

  2. Awesome pics....
    I always love images from Comic Con. Looks like you had a fine time.

  3. Twas a fabulous time! Except now I suddenly find my mouth watering for some of those cupcakes. Curse you!
