"Of course I got to touch the pecs! I RULE!"
Also, go on over to the erudite, entertaining, and intimidating-with-his-intelligence Arbogast on Film to read a fascinating consideration of the lesbonic subtext in WWvVW (an acronym I never get tired of typing), as part of Arbogast's "31 Screams" series--which should be a daily click for horror geeks all through October:In celebration, please enjoy these reviews of some of Klimovsky's horror output, previously on MMMMMovies:
- The Werewolf vs. the Vampire Woman (1971)
- Dr. Jekyll and the Wolf Man (1972)
- The Dracula Saga (1972)
- Vengeance of the Zombies (1973)
- The Devil's Possessed (1974)
Arbogast on Film: 31 Screams--Gaby Fuchs
So break out the Sangria, hire some gypsy dancers, and bid feliz cumpleaños a Señor Klimovsky!
Some of those Klimovsky/Naschy collaborations are excellent. I'd love to see a nice edition of PEOPLE WHO OWN THE DARK one of these days.
ReplyDeleteI've got a collector's copy of PEOPLE WHO OWN THE DARK, but at the time I watched it I think there was a glut of Naschy reviews on the site (imagine that!) so I held off. Need to rectify that!
ReplyDeleteVicar, of all the ones on your list I've only seen WWvVW (did I get that right?) under its Anchor Bay alias of Werewolf Shadow, but that was a bit of fun that left me willing to see more from Klimovsky. I couldn't get the much-too happy title music out of my head for a while, though neither Klimovsky nor Naschy's to blame for that.
ReplyDeleteSam, you should really check out VENGEANCE OF THE ZOMBIES. Talk about an incongruously toe-tappin' score! I love it though, and don't think I would enjoy the movie nearly as much without it. ;)
ReplyDeleteKlimovsky's films can be hit and miss--much as I love VotZ and WWvVW (It's like a drawing of the Pyrenees!), his tantalizingly-titled VAMPIRE'S NIGHT ORGY fails to deliver on the title's promise, and further wastes the talent of Vicar-fave ice queen Helga Line. Still, I get so much joy out of those first two films, I can't really hold it against him. :)
WWvVW (It's like a drawing of the Pyrenees!
ReplyDeleteDoesn't it seem like an emoticon will spring from that acronym?