
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Animated Horror and People You Should Get To Know

Unfortunately responsibilities around the Vicarage have prevented your ever-lovin' Vicar from partaking in the bounty of MMMMMovies stored in the cathedral vaults as much as he would like this week--suffice to say that the Holy Water Cistern has sprung a leak and the Papal Plumber won't be in till the weekend, causing no end of soggy cassocks and dissolving undead servingmen. As if it weren't hard ENOUGH to find good help! However, until I can deliver my next sermon, I thought I'd take some time to point out a few things of interest to the congregation.

First of all, thanks to Vicar-buddy Gator for pointing me toward this trailer for the upcoming movie Fear(s) of the Dark, an animated horror anthology that looks UH-MAZING. With artists like Charles Burns (whose excellent Black Hole is required reading), Marie Caillou, and others, this is going to be some beautiful, powerful nightmare fuel, methinks.

Also, thanks to blogger's newfangled "Followers" gadget on the right sidebar (though the Duke and I prefer the terms "Parishioners and Subjects"), we've been able to get to know many of the people who enjoy MMMMMovies and reciprocate the enjoyment by visiting some of their excellent sites. For instance...

  • In addition, parishioner Professor Grewbeard offers a shot of wonderful nostalgia over at Magic Carpet Burn, with scans of the old Collegeville Costume catalogs the elder among us remember well and with undying love. The Costuminatrix looks at horror with an eye to fashion at her excellent blog The Fashion Victim. MJWho's Plan9 From offers lots of appealing weirdness, and even though I can't (yet) read French, I can still tell that Ghidora at Acheter et entretenir sa tronçonneuse and I are speaking the same language.
  • Finally, our newest friend is Kerry Kate at October Effigies, a truly wonderful showplace of truly wonderful art in the form of CREEPY DOLLS. If you're looking for a gift for the little girl who has everything but something to give her nightmares for the rest of her life, this is the place to go. Even if not, browse around--it's fascinating, beautiful, horrific stuff.
So while we're waiting for the Vicarage to be restored and for more madness to flow from my temporarily blocked tap--ooer--check out some of these great horror blogs. And check back here every now and then--soon more madness will be unleashed, that I swear. ;)

Nota Bene: followers who were not mentioned are nonetheless fabulous, wonderful people who should receive all praise and sexual favors. Present a print-out of this post at the Duchy to collect.


  1. "Fear(s) of the Dark" looks stunning. Ever since taking an "intro to animation" class in art sk00l, I've been really impressed with the amount of effort and skill it takes to construct an animated feature film. This looks to be an amazing achievement for all the artists who worked on the film. Can't wait to see it!

    Kerry Kate's dolls are AWESOME! I'd seen those around the web and was just tickled to learn she was reading my blog as well. Knowing that she reads MMMMMovies as well shows the lady has very fine taste indeed :)

  2. "Parishioners and Subjects" has such a nicer ring to it than say, I dunno, "Crazed Stalkers." Potato/Poh-tah-toe.

  3. Thanks for this post on animated horror. Animation as a serious medium gets short shrift among most American adults, particularly when connected to horror. This trailer looks great.

  4. Thanks for stopping by, John! I agree with your point about America's view toward animation--people tend to think it's only for kids, when the possibilities are truly limitless, as we see in examples like this one.

    Of course since we're now living in the Golden Age of Geekdom, I hope that attitude is going to change.

  5. oops! a day late, a trailer short! sorry i didn't get a chance to check it out. by the way, thanx for the plug! "i have always relied on the kindness of strangers"...and strange friends! hope you don't "Blanche" at this attempt at humor...

  6. This does look good... I've been dying for some live action Charles Burns since the first time I ever read El Borbah. If ever there's a time to make THAT movie it's now.

  7. >>hope you don't "Blanche" at this attempt at humor...

    Well played, Professor! And here I was proud of my own Honorary Doctorate in Punology. ;) You've upped it by a factor of Ten I See, William! ;)

    And Karswell, I had to google El Borbah (info and a tantalizing pic here!), but if I may borrow a phrase from the Tenebrous Empress: APPROVED.
