Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Track of the Moon Beast (1976), Or Stalk Like A Dinosaur

Special Guest Post by Jose Cruz of Mephisto's Castle!

Fellow MMMMad movie lovers and maniacs in general, it is with great pleasure and honor that I, El Jose, write this rabid review for you today. Being a devout member of the Church of Cheesy Cinema, I was eager in sending a message inked in the perspiration of 100 Italian prostitutes to see if the honorable Vicar and Duke would lend me an ear… and any other necessary organs that I might need. And when the message returned (though the pony it was sent with had mysteriously disappeared upon arriving at the gilded gates of the Vicarage) with a gracious consent, I leaped forth from my filthy grotto, chittering like an Appalachian love slave in heated excitement.

“So what,” you impatiently ask in between savory chomps of your roasted dragon thigh, “did you decide to offer us for today, you sniveling knave?”

Why, none other than one of the many hidden treasures on the glorious 50 Chilling Classics Set put out by the fine folks at Mill Creek. And having a deep and affectionate love for lycanthropes, I was immediately drawn to the freaky-sounding flick Track of the Moon Beast. But, dear reader, I was quick to find out that we weren’t dealing with the usual furry-faced fiends that serve as the wolfish, flesh-chomping mascots of Daninsky U, but a poor soul who instead turns into a leathery lizard-creature upon the night of the full moon in order to get his cold-blooded groove on.

Intrigued? So was I! So take the perfumed, gloved hand I offer to you now and journey with me into the slithery shenanigans of this kooky drive-in monsterama… 


Monday, September 19, 2011

News and Notes from the Vicarage

Greetings, friends and former lovers! As I'm sure you've noticed, things continue to move slowly around the Vicarage and Duchy these days, for which I can only say I'm very sorry. It's not for lack of desire, I can tell you--but this cloud of malaise is proving difficult to disperse, the Joybaloo increasingly elusive.

BUT--if you can judge a Vicar by the quality of his friends, then I'm a rich clergyman indeed. In a couple days' time in this very spot, tune in for a guest post by Parishioner Par Excellance Jose Cruz, who is taking time out from his stellar work at Mephisto's Castle to contribute a review to Mad Mad Mad Mad Movies.

Another good friend of the site, the brilliant and devious Dr. Vulnavia Morbius of the consistently excellent Krell Labs, is doing her best to smack the Vicar out of his laziness by throwing down the leather gauntlet of the 7th Annual October Horror Movie Challenge--participants agree to watch and write about 31 movies in the 31 days of October, more than half of which have to be new to the watcher. It's a hefty challenge, and a big commitment, but what the hell--I'm in! More info can be found at the Challenge's Facebook page, where you can also sign up yourself. Thirty-one straight days of Madness with the Vicar...GET READY!

I also have a couple of brief DVD reviews I hope to get done by the end of the week. And that should be enough for you, ya heathens! Now go! I have to meditate to prepare myself for my latest ascent from the grave.


Monday, September 5, 2011

Wizards of the Demon Sword (1991), Or Is That A Demon Dagger In Your Pocket?

Dearest friends, it is I, the Duke of DVD, returned once again from a long sabbatical, a sojourn that sent me to the farthest corners of the world, in order to return to you, my dear readers, the cinematic offal that you so crave! I've crept silently through darkened hallways, stepping over the moldering carcasses of sacrificed druids, their faces frozen in rictuses of pain. I've endured the 301 Flayings of the Man-Child of Lower Cambodia. I've burrowed with stunted dwarves, delving deeper and deeper, unearthing nameless entities best left buried.

Yes, friends, I've blown entire stacks of Coke Rewards(tm), launched Russian rockets from Chinese platforms, drove a Kia, and subjugated an entire realm to the east of Moldavia, in order to bring you what you most desire. "But Duke!" you interject, spraying your befouled environs with blue cheese fragments and bone meal. "Surely you took some time for yourself!?" Yes, I did, and thank you for your concern, friend. I spent a liberal amount of time soaking in the hot springs of Calhoun Holler outside Possumrape, Kentucky, followed by a month-long trip into Indo-China to visit a hedge-wizard with a knack for curing gonorrhea (for a friend, I assure thee!).

Despite these side ventures, I never lost sight of what my reading public wants: Troma movies. That is why, today, I return to you at the turn of the tide, when you thought all hope was lost, as you were just about to dump your last bottle of Ativan into a half-empty bottle of grandma's cough medicine. Fear not, for I am with thee! Gaze upon what I've brought you, and despair!

As most of you know, I worship at the altar of Troma, but even I must admit when I've bitten off more than I can chew safely, and in this case, folks, I have. Today's rotten pile comes to us in the form of Wizards of the Demon Sword, which is basically a Conan-meets-Princess-Bride movie of epic suckage. I scarcely know where to begin, so let's just do the obvious and start from the beginning, shall we?


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Random Mad Movie Screengrab

"Ooh! I'll give that burgomeister such a pinch!"

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